"We Negro writers, just by being black, have been on the blacklist all our lives. Censorship for us begins at the color line." -Langston Hughes

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Blog Assignment #4- Romanticism

       When I think of the Romantic Era, the first thing that pops up into my head is traditonal romance.  But this era was actually not about romance, but more about imagination and creativity.  Things like nature and the super natural were discussed in poetry.  The Romantic era was a period of big change and emancipation. Unlike the classical era, the Romantic era began to allow artistic freedom and emancipation.  (Thinkquest.org 1).  "Romanticism was arguably the largest artistic movement of the late 1700s" (Poets.org 1).  "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" by William Wordsworth is a great poem that reflects the meaning of this time period.  "I wandered lonely as a cloud that floats on high o'er vales and hills, when all at once I saw a crowd, A host of golden daffodils." (Wordsworth 1).  This similie describing loneliness to a cloud has alot to do with the era.  "The waves beside them danced" (Wordsworth 1) this use of personification is also a great example. Wordsworth incorporates alot of creativity and nature into his literary devices in the text. The poem has alot to do with nature, he talks about clouds, daffodils, waves, and hills.  Wordsworth uses alot of imagination and creativity in this poem, and ufcourse nature (all elements of the Romantic Era).

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