"We Negro writers, just by being black, have been on the blacklist all our lives. Censorship for us begins at the color line." -Langston Hughes

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Blog Assignment #9-Oedipus the King (Option #1)

                  Through his suffering, Oedipus learns a lot of things about himself.  One thing in particular is that he makes irrationally harsh decisions, and acts upon impulse when he dramatically gauged his own eyes out shortly after learning that he had killed his own father (King Laius) and married his own biological mother (Jocasta).  His pride and stubborn determination lead to his suffering. Ironically enough, he had basically damned himself along the way while in search for King Laius's murderer.   The one thing he proved to himself not to be is a hypocrite.  He said whoever committed this crime would be held responsible, and little did he know that he was leading himself to his tragic fate but regardless of the circumstances, he stood for his word.  And like a brave King, he punished his own self and begged Creon to be banished from the city.  Oedipus's actions proved that he stood firmly for what he believed in.  He wanted to see that justice is done, no matter what.  Even if that meant punishing himself.  He didn't give himself special treatment or exceptions above the law which proves that he was a very honest man who wasn't at all corrupt.  And even though this fate seems so tragic, Oedipus got the chance to learn more about himself and about some of these these admirable heroic qualities.  I believe that in life, all your experiences will have some sort of positive outcome on who you are,  even the negative ones.  Every painful experience and every tear a person sheds and every suffering will make them stronger, wiser and help shape their personality.  People become who they were meant to be through their life suffering.  One of my favorite quotes that supports this idea is "Life doesn't give you the people that you want, it gives you the people that you need.  To help you to hurt you.. to make you to break you, to shape you into the person that you were meant to be".  (tripod.com 1).  Everything happens for a reason,  you just have to be patient and let fate take its course.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Blog Assignment#8- Reading or Watching a Play

                                           Final Destination 2 viewed March 19, 2012:

              On her way to Daytona Beach with her friends, Kim has a premonition of a pile-up on Route 23 that would kill everyone who would be a part of it so she stops her car.  When officer Burke asks her whats wrong, she tells him about the vision she had in which a truck would be the cause of a huge accident.  Moments later, her vision became reality when a truck crashes into her SUV killing all her friends but saving the other potential victims' lives.  The issue in the movie is that everyone that should have been involved in that pile-up must now try and escape death for the second time. Since they realize that they had escaped death once before due to events that took place that were caused by the flight 180 survivors who also died shortly after that flight. All the characters will die in a sequence, which connects them all together. The death of each person depends on the the prior life that was next in line. No matter how hard they all try, they can not escape death and there fate to die.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Blog Assignment#7- Langston Hughes

Sara's story for English 102

My professor told me,

   To go home and blog
   a poem tonight.
   And let it express who I am, make it personal, positive, and possible
   Then it will become a reality.

I don't think it's that simple. But here I go..
I'm eighteen and I was born in Brooklyn
It's where I attended school for the first few years of my life.
I've been to school hear and there, everywhere
From the 5 burrows to different parts of Long Island

I am reminiscing about my childhood as I sit in my living room and blog this poem.
Playing in parks and sitting on swings
blog-Brooklyn birth became basic beginning of my life and now here I am, in college
Wow childhood just flew by so fast
I like succeeding at anything I take on, sometimes striving for success
I like helping people and hanging out with friends
And on a day like this, I like being at the beach soaking in the sun and feeling the fresh breeze
I still don't know where I'm going, but I know where I came from
So my story is yet to be continued..

This is my Story for English 102

Blog Assignment #6- Emily Dickinson

            Emily Dickinson's "Because I Could Not Stop for Death" actually mirrors her own life.  Emily never had her happy ending nor was she ever able to share her life with someone.  I believe that she gave up on love at some point during her life time after she allowed herself to open up and got her heart broken by Charles Wadsworth.  It seemed like she truly admired him despite the fact that he was married.  I think that this poem is a great example that proves this point.  Dickinson sounds very resentful and bitter, she also seems to have a guard up.  From this poem, it sounds like Dickinson just wants to be alone and that no one is good enough for her.  The poem has a very bitter tone.  Dickinson met Wadsworth (who was a married reverend)  in Philadelphia. (sparknotes.com 1). "He was an arresting figure and Dickinson deeply admired him. Most scholars agree that Wadsworth was the man Dickinson fell in love with, and the man who inspired much of her love poetry." (sparknotes.com 1).  When Wadsworth notified Dickinson that he was moving to San Francisco, she immediately suffered a nervous breakdown for a week which almost made her lose her eyesight. She also had a portrait of him hanging in her room (sparknotes.com 1).  To me, this is obvious proof that she suffered from a broken heart after feeling abandoned by Wadsworth, which lead her to writing poems such as this.  In "Because I Could Not Stop for Death", death is being personified as a man. An example that reflects on her own life in the poem is when she says "Because I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me; The carriage held but just ourselves And immortality." (1-4).  I think that Emily is saying that she can't wait for a soul mate any longer, she finally wants someone to care for her the way she cared for Wadsworth.  Also, when she says "For only gossamer my gown.." (15). It almost seems as though she feels pity for herself.  I think she is talking about being buried in the kind of wedding dress that she never got a chance to where during her life time.  This poem really mirrors the lonely and sad life Dickinson lived.