"We Negro writers, just by being black, have been on the blacklist all our lives. Censorship for us begins at the color line." -Langston Hughes

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Blog Assignment#8- Reading or Watching a Play

                                           Final Destination 2 viewed March 19, 2012:

              On her way to Daytona Beach with her friends, Kim has a premonition of a pile-up on Route 23 that would kill everyone who would be a part of it so she stops her car.  When officer Burke asks her whats wrong, she tells him about the vision she had in which a truck would be the cause of a huge accident.  Moments later, her vision became reality when a truck crashes into her SUV killing all her friends but saving the other potential victims' lives.  The issue in the movie is that everyone that should have been involved in that pile-up must now try and escape death for the second time. Since they realize that they had escaped death once before due to events that took place that were caused by the flight 180 survivors who also died shortly after that flight. All the characters will die in a sequence, which connects them all together. The death of each person depends on the the prior life that was next in line. No matter how hard they all try, they can not escape death and there fate to die.

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