"We Negro writers, just by being black, have been on the blacklist all our lives. Censorship for us begins at the color line." -Langston Hughes

Monday, April 23, 2012

Class reflection # 2- The class overall

      I will be completely honest, when I signed up for English 102 I had never even imagined that there would be this much work in a 100 level communications course.  This is probably because of the way my English 101 class was lectured.  In that class, we never had any homework assignment besides the four essays that we were to complete over the course of the semester.  My professor was very laid back and lenient and never really assigned firm due dates for any of those essays either.  Our class was mostly discussions on various topics and we would get side tracked a lot.  Everyone in the class was familular with each other since we also did group work at times.  I actually went into 101 as a first semester freshmen with the attitude I should have had going into this class. Guess I should have switched those two perceptions! I wouldn't say that my original attitude effected my performance in any way since English has always been one of my strong points and I naturally always try to excel at any task handed on to me.  I would say that out of all 5 of my classes, this was probably one of the classes I had to dedicate the most time to throughout the semester.  I thought we would read a few novels and that would be it.  But i'm glad that I was wrong about that part.  Throughout my education, teachers would always just throw such dull, uninteresting books at students and expect them to enjoy it.  I was never a fan and i'm glad that that wasn't the case this time.  The works of literature on the syllabus were usually pretty interesting for the most part and caught my attention right away.  I loved the stories with bizarre twists and exciting endings such as "The Cask of Amontillado", "Oedipus the King", and "The Lottery".  I also felt that the selection of poetry was enjoyable and actually helped me begin to like poetry.  The number of plays we were assigned to read was reasonable and i'm very glad that u removed the third essay from your syllabus because with everything else we had going on, I feel that it would have been a bit excessive to also have that on our plates as well.  I never took a class in which critical notes were only emphasized orally, but i'm glad that I was able to experience that since I know that will be extremely useful to me in the coming years in my college experience.  I did enjoy putting together my final blog portfolio but not so much the weekly posts.  Overall, I am happy I took this class because I learned many new things that I never knew before and was also able to develop new skills and techniques and improve on ones I already had.  This class has helped me prepare for the rest of the journey ahead and I will never underestimate a class again.

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